Edge Profiles

Edge Profiles & Thicknesses

Several options are available:

  • 20mm thick (standard thickness)
  • 30mm (Very limited colours are available in 30mm)
  • 40mm Laminated (Build up of 2 x 20mm’s)
  • 40mm Mitred aprons (More popular – 2x 20mm’s cut on a 45 degree angle and joined together giving a thicker looking edge, the join is also less visible being on the top edge *see below diagram)

Mitred aprons are also available from 50mm to 300mm.

Pencil Round, small pencil round, aris, and square edges are standard. Bevelled, full bullnose, half bullnose, shark nose, and mitred aprons are an extra cost which is charged by lineal meters.

We recommend pencil round for all benchtops as it’s less likely to chip, compared to an aris edge. We can do a small pencil round which is only slightly rounded to smooth off the sharp edge if you are after a more modern look.

Edge Profile Examples:

20mm Aris

20mm Bullnose

40mm Laminated Aris

40mm Full Bullnose

20mm Pencil Round

20mm Half Bullnose

40mm Laminated Pencil Round

20mm Shark Nose

20mm 10×10 Bevel

40mm+ Mitred Aprons

40mm Laminated 10×10 Bevel